Why we should be thanking Burger King for hijacking our smart home devices

The tactic was annoying, yes, but it also woke us up to vulnerabilities within our own homes See the original article on CBC.ca from April 18, 2017 Last week, television viewers might have been surprised, and probably slightly annoyed, when their Google Home devices started listing off the ingredients of a Whopper hamburger. The smart


Being addicted to technology is not the same as being literate in it

Literacy involves critical thinking and contextual awareness. Addiction does not See the original article on CBC.ca from April 11, 2017 Last week, I wrote a column arguing that if we’re so worried about the amount of time kids spend in front of their screens, perhaps we adults need to adjust our own behaviour. In response to the piece,


If we don’t want our kids to be addicted to technology, maybe we should start putting down our phones

We often complain about kids being glued to their devices — but where are they learning these habits? See the original article on CBC.ca from April 4, 2017 When it came to parenting, Steve Jobs’ modus operandi was not unlike that used by the rest of us: do as I say, not as I do. When New


The argument for robot ‘personhood’

It’s less about the damage we might do to robots, but the damage we might do with them See the original article on CBC.ca from March 29, 2017 What are the rights of a robot? Does it have any? Should it? It’s a question few of us have given much thought to, outside of a