Finstas: Using ‘fake’ social media accounts to reveal your authentic self

Some Instagram users hide in plain sight of their friends — but not of potential employers “Be careful about what you post online.” Teens and young people constantly hear this advice, especially as our ever-connected, increasingly public lives make it so that an online misstep could stand in the way of getting into a top


Is it time to tax job-stealing robots?

Bill Gates thinks so, but some experts warn it would hurt the economy If robots are going to steal human jobs, it’s only fair that they pay taxes too, right? That’s the logic behind the robot income tax, a possible solution to the next wave of job displacement that’s expected as a result of automation.


‘Data is the new oil’: Your personal information is now the world’s most valuable commodity

Huge amounts of data are controlled by just 5 global mega-corporations that are bigger than most governments There was a time that oil companies ruled the globe, but “black gold” is no longer the world’s most valuable resource — it’s been surpassed by data. The five most valuable companies in the world today — Apple,


Digital vigilantism after Charlottesville: Get ready for more naming and shaming

‘How can we make change and do good in the world? Is it through Twitter?’ professor wonders In many ways, last weekend’s rally in Charlottesville, Va., was a chilling throwback to an era most people had hoped we’d moved on from, one in which racists were emboldened to march in the streets, denouncing the lives