I had the good fortune of being asked to host the webcast of Idea City 2011. Co-hosting the event with Albert Nerenberg, I interviewed a fascinating line-up of international speakers, and provided ongoing coverage of the presentations.
As a host & reporter for CBC's The X, I interviewed musicians, actors, directors and athletes, on location from Toronto and Los Angeles. Some of my favorite interviews have been with Jim Carrey, Billy Connolly, Anne Hathaway, Good Charlotte, Alexisonfire, Sugarcult, Dave Matthews. I've covered events inlcuding the Toronto International Film Feztival, Canada's Walk of Fame, Fashion Week, the Casby's, and the Grand Prix.
As a reporter, I've immersed myself in virtual worlds, for my ongoing exploration of the Avatar Secrets, and in the world of self-actualization and "The Laws of Attraction," researching for super-genius Douglas Rushkoff's best selling book "Life 2.0"